Katong Convent School Alumnae Association
Katong Convent School Alumnae Association (KCSAA)
The KCSAA is a registered association started in 1980. KCSAA serves both the primary and secondary schools. It is managed by alumnae volunteers of both schools.
KCSAA Executive Committee
President: Jacqueline De Souza
Vice-President: Joyce Tan
- To maintain contact between Katong Convent School and her former pupils and staff
- To develop a true spirit of loyalty and love for the Alma Mater.
- To secure the co-operation and active support of the alumnae in carrying out the aims and objectives of the school
- To promote spiritual, cultural, intellectual and social interests of its members
- To render general assistance to its members.
- To involve its members in community service.
To apply – KCSAA Membership Application
Sponsorship of Annual School Awards
These are presented to promote IJ Values and Spirit.
(i) Sr Finbarr Award – Awarded to the most outstanding all-rounder in the school. She must epitomise all the virtues of an IJ daughter. (For Sec and Pri schools)
(ii) Marie Bong Literature Award – Awarded to the most outstanding English Literature student who not only loves and does well in the subject but has also contributed to the literary/dramatic arts scene. (A secondary school award)
(iii) Minnie D’Rozario Sports Award – Awarded to the most balanced all-rounder athlete in the school who excels in ability, effort, attendance, sportsmanship and leadership. (For Sec and Pri schools)

If you have any queries regarding KCSAA, please contact them at kcsalumnaea@gmail.com