Catholic Education
KC’s Catholic identity and ethos exist in everyday school life and provide guidance to our Catholic students as they seek for the things that can give them meaning and purpose in living a God-centred life.
The Catholic education programme falls under the main responsibility of the School Chaplaincy Team (SCT). The Catholic teachers play an important role in ensuring that Catholic students receive a holistic spiritual education in the school through its programmes, activities and formal lessons, in alignment with the Catholic churches’ vision for its Catholic mission schools.
The programme for Catholic students encompasses the following activities:
1) Morning reflection and prayer
• In addition to the daily morning reflection to help students gain insights into values and virtues, prayers are said to start the day of learning centering on God.
2) Eucharistic Celebrations (Masses)
• Masses are celebrated monthly (where possible) and according to the liturgical calendar. The school believes that in national or school celebrations, we have much to thank God for and know the need to continue to ask for His blessings. Please refer to the school calendar for dates of school masses.
3) Prayer Services
• Catholic students are invited to attend weekly prayer sessions in the Chapel to instill a sense of eternity through the need to connect themselves with God. These sessions are led by the Catholic Support Leaders and held on Wednesdays from 7:15-7:25am.
4) Retreats for Catholic students
• Conducted at the end of the year to deepen faith and camaraderie. Retreats may be conducted by the Catholic teachers or by external Catholic trainers.
5) Catholic Connect programme
• Weekly programme to establish a Catholic student community rooted in faith through fellowship and being immersed in the Gospel. This is led by members of the Young Christian Student Movement and facilitated by the Catholic Support Leaders and parent volunteers. Sessions are held every Friday from 7:15-7:45am.
6) Catholic Education Sunday
• As part of our service to the community, together with our sisters from CHIJ Katong (Primary), Catholic Support Leaders in KC serve at Catholic Education Sunday mass as part of the choir, hospitality and lector teams.
Chapel Mass

CSL Easter Celebration 2024 (with parents and members of the Young Christian Movement)